...listening to: Paradise, Coldplay
...obsessed with: Scarves and high heels
...thinking about: Getting my ears pierced again
...studying for: Greek and Epistles tests tomorrow
...wishing: Starbucks delivered
...with: Danae, Kelly, and Emma A. in the 4th floor study room
...excited for: Asking Clay Day tomorrow
On my mind?
-My wonderful wonderful friend Hannah surprised me and came Wednesday. Perfect end to a rough day, and such a fun part of this weekend.
-The Andy Grammer/Colbie Caillat concert Thursday night was amazing and so fun. I got to go with some of my favorite people and everything about it was fun.
-Studying Genesis Friday night was another incredibly interesting and challenging night. I'm so grateful for Micah and Daniel and the knowledge and effort they contribute and for God who has given us such an amazing story to learn from. Read Genesis 12 and 13 and think about these things:
- How if Sarai hadn't been fulfilling her role as a supporter and helpmeet and hadn't trusted Abram's lead as they travelled the world, his job as a leader and his job in trusting God's will for him would have been much, much harder. The fact that she isn't mentioned a lot shows me that she wasn't trying to make her wishes the focus of their family life, and allowed Abram to focus on God's wishes and promises. Impressive.
- When Abram travelled, he pitched a tent for the family but he built an altar everywhere they went. We should live like that, not focused on leaving behind our earthly accomplishments or comfort, but focused on merely leaving a legacy and reminder of God's glory everywhere we go.
- God told Abram "I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing." The blessings we are given aren't just for our benefit so we can sit back and enjoy them, they're given to us so we can share them and spread God's glory and influence to those around us. Don't just be grateful, ACT.
-Today I heard a wonderful lesson on Philippians (JOY) and one on John 4 (TEACH), got to eat at Moe's with fun friends, napped, did an SI session, and began panicking about the week.
-Tomorrow: Greek test, Epistles, piano lesson, Bible study, Zeta delivery, study for Psych test Wednesday, work on paper, prepare SI sessions. . . .
Coffee and I are going to get very close this week. I've been cutting back, really.
Also, Mamaw's been free from pain for 6 months now. I miss her, and it hurts, but I'm so grateful for the peace she has and the chance that I'll get to see her soon.
It's not happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy.
Life is wonderful.